Chicago, Illinois Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Attorneys

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common workplace injuries, and leads to more lost time from work than any other workplace injury. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious and painful condition that affects the wrist and hand. Without proper rest and treatment, it can eventually necessitate surgery. In fact, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), carpal tunnel surgery is the second most common type of surgery for workers,
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when tendons and other tissues in the wrist become irritated. The inflammation narrows the carpal tunnel, which is a thin passageway between the hand and forearm, and puts pressure on the median nerve. The term “carpal tunnel” refers to the part of the wrist where the median nerve and tendons travel through. The median nerve controls both feel and movement of the thumb and first three fingers of each hand.
If you work with your hands, there’s a good chance you may develop carpal tunnel syndrome at some point during your career. The following occupations are most at risk for sustaining CTS injuries:
• Construction work
• Assembly line work
• Driving motor vehicles
• Managing the cash register
• Keyboarding occupations
• Repetitively pressing objects
• Repetitively pushing objects
• Repetitively slicing objects
Any worker in any occupation with extensive hand use can be susceptible to Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and pursue a workers’ compensation claim in Illinois. We will review your injuries, the circumstances of the workplace injury and your viable legal options. We will work hard to protect your right to the maximum compensation available. For immediate help with a work injury case, call (312) 726-5567 for a free consultation or contact us online.