How long do worker’s compensation cases last?

Worker’s comp cases may take weeks, months or possibly more than a year to reach a settlement. According to a 2015 survey done by Martindale-Nolo Research, it took an average of 15.7 months for respondents to resolve their cases through a voluntary settlement or through a workers’ compensation attorney.
Worker’s comp cases often depend on the extent of the employee’s injuries or illness and the amount of time required for a full recovery. After the worker reaches maximum medical improvement, all parties will negotiate the final settlement.
If the parties can’t agree on a fair settlement, then the case may go into legal proceedings. At that point, the negotiations may go back and forth until the parties reach a settlement or decide to go to court.
Hiring a lawyer can sometimes extend the length of workers’ compensation cases. This is because attorneys offer more tools to challenge the insurance companies and help you receive more benefits. Lawyers are able to file motions, negotiate with the insurance companies, and help you obtain second opinions on your medical condition. While all of these activities require more time, they also maximize the chances of a favorable outcome.
Dealing with a workplace illness or injury is a stressful and sometimes scary process. Don’t add to that the stress of dealing with your employer’s insurance company. Let us take on that burden for you. Our experienced legal team is here to fight for your rights in your workers’ compensation case.
For immediate help with a work injury case, please call (312) 726-5567 for a free consultation or contact us online.