The Most Common Types of Workers’ Comp Claims 3 – Contusions (Bruising)

A contusion also called a bruise is one of the commonest types of work-related injuries. While a minor contusion might not require treatment or cause one to miss work, deep bruises may also be related to more serious injuries, like deep tissue injury, crushed organs or internal bleeding. Note that the bruising can be severe even if there is no compartment syndrome.
A contusion results from contact with blunt force, such as a fall or direct blow. In the workplace, this type of injury usually happens when employees drop objects due to improper lifting or when they run into things. A collision with equipment, falling objects, another employee inadvertently striking the injured worker with materials that are being moved, and falling down can all cause contusions. Business owners should conduct regular training to review environmental awareness and proper ergonomics, which can usually prevent these sorts of work-related injuries.
Injured workers should notify their employers that they need a medical evaluation if a contusion seems unusually painful or the pain seems to grow worse with time. If you suffer a work-related injury, you can probably get workers’ compensation. Illinois Workers’ compensation is a system of benefits that:
– Pays for the medical costs of job-related injuries and diseases
– Pays for any temporary or permanent disabilities
– Covers nearly every employee in Illinois
– Starts from the moment a job begins
– Pays for the lost time from work
If you sustained an injury on the job, it is important to consider your legal rights. Since 1962, the attorneys at Krol, Bongiorno, and Given Ltd. have handled well over 30,000 claims for injured workers throughout the state of Illinois, and are prepared to investigate your injuries and identify options to recover damages. For immediate help with a work injury case, call (312) 726-5567 for a free consultation or contact us online.